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FAQs Diversity & Inclusion

FAQs Diversity & Inclusion

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What is your definition and meaning of Diversity, Equity and Belonging?
The importance of Diversity, Equity, and Belonging in the contemporary business landscape cannot be overstated. They form the foundation of successful teams, drive superior financial performance, and play a transformative role in local communities. As we move forward, it becomes increasingly clear that businesses that embrace these principles will thrive in tomorrow’s increasingly diverse world.
How do you define inclusion?
Inclusion is seen as a universal human right. The aim of inclusion is to embrace all people irrespective of race, gender, disability, medical or other need. It is about giving equal access and opportunities and getting rid of discrimination and intolerance.
Why is DEB an important topic of discussion?
Aside from being just good for business, DEB practices also significantly impact local communities. Companies with strong DEB commitments can influence society, creating opportunities for underrepresented individuals and contributing to local economies. They often become role models, inspiring others to follow suit and leading to broader social change.
Do you think our D&I initiatives have influenced work and businesses on bringing a change?
Companies that understand and reflect their local communities’ diversity are better positioned to meet their customers’ needs. They can tailor their products and services more effectively, fostering a stronger connection with their customer base, improving brand loyalty, and driving economic growth in the local community.

The importance of diversity, equity, and Belonging in the contemporary business landscape cannot be overstated. They form the foundation of successful teams, drive superior financial performance, and play a transformative role in local communities. 

As we move forward, it becomes increasingly clear that businesses that embrace these principles will thrive in tomorrow’s increasingly diverse world.